Monday, October 31, 2005

¡Feliz Deepavali!

¡Feliz Deepavali! para mi familia y todos los amigos.
When I was in India my achi & thatha gifted me, my cousins with lot of crackers, fireworks. Achi and amma also prepared lot of sweets, bhajji, vadai and different foods. Sometimes my cousins would come to my house. We prayed after oil bath, put new clothes and eat a lot. When we finished eating, we lit fireworks and played with my achi & thatha .
Here too my amma prepares sweets and different foods. But I am not able to get fireworks from my achi & thatha. Also we can not lit fireworks, as they are not permitted. But we lit kambi mathapu inside our house.
I miss my achi, thatha, tios and primos a lot.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Feliz Cumpleaños

My father gifted (introduced) me to blogs on this birthday. He told me that it will be my duty to post atleast one message every week for my family and to all other friends all over the world. You might ask whether I really have friends all over the world? Definitely, yes. Each and every one of you visiting my page will be my friends. I plan to write in English and Spanish in my posts. Get ready for me. See you all soon with more.

My first post is to wish Feliz Cumpleaños (Happy Birthday) to my mishal thambi, who is celebrating his grand day, today at Chennai with my janani akka, aparna, varshini, mis abuelos (my achi-thatha & madras thatha-achi), tios (Ganapathy mama-Santhi athai, Soori mama-Devi athai, Shankar sithappa-Mini sithi, Lovely sithi-sithappa).