Sunday, May 03, 2009

Go Green!

Well, right now for me it’s so boring…we’re in this kind of Influenza Break (swine flu break). It’s been nearly a week without classes and we’re supposed to enter again on Wednesday. I just hope that they don’t postpone it also. I think it’s quite right to do this for the health of everyone but now I question myself that how are we going to recover all the things we were supposed to see last week...

In this little “holidays” we saw 2 movies: Minority Report and Artificial Intelligence A.I. Both of them are science-fiction. They show the way they think that we'll be and things we'll create in the future, in order to create new technologies and make the life easier. In Minority Report they create a precrime system. They have 3 precogs who can see the murders so by that way they avoid the death of many people. Here the problem was that in some cases there was a minority report so not always the vision was true. In A.I. they create robots who'll be able to love, this is kind of strange because the robots also have the same feelings as us. The problem was that they didn't know if humans would be able to give back they love they received.
Right now, I think first about the planet. That all this global warming thing is going to affect and change the world totally in some years…so what’s about to happen, is something that I can’t imagine. There are so many things happening these days.
We have to try to make our best because the earth is the only place till now, where we can live. We’ve got to help, by recycling, using energy-savers appliances, and going green!