¡Hola todos!
Last week on thursday we had a get together at school for St. Patrick’s Day. Each classroom had their own. In my class we just brought food (chips, cake and cokes), we didn’t even bring music so everyone was super bored. Then someone started throwing ice cubes and after sometime I just heard “¡Guerra de comida!” (food war) and everyone in our class started throwing chips, coke, lemons, and cake.
Like an hour later the principal came and scolded us. We had to clean up all the mess in just an hour before 2 o’clock with is the time when school finishes. I don’t know how but between all of us we cleaned it really fast, I think we did a good team work. Some cleaned the floors while others cleaned the tables and chairs and others went for the stuff that was missing so that we could clean the classroom completely. At the end the classroom smelled really strange. Before leaving, the principal told us that we had a week without recess and that we had to plant a tree. We were all surprised that the punishment was so hard on us.
The next day, we went to the movies from school. Here also someone started throwing popcorn and everyone ended up doing the same. Miss Rose got really angry and made us clean up the mess. When we reached school, they told us that our punishment was that each one of our class was to clean a classroom (sweep and mop it) for a week.
So now, we are all cleaning the classrooms after school!
I think it was like fun at the time but then when you think about it you say omg there’re so many people without food and we’re wasting it! I do think it was wrong and now we have to pay for our mistakes.