Yesterday I went to the movies and saw a film called Real Steel.
The story takes place in the 2020, at that time human boxing is extinct.
It actually starts when a man called Charlie (Hugh Jackman) who used to be a boxer is told that his exgirlfriend has died and their son, Max will be under his control. Charlie hates the idea of it as the only things that matter to him are robots and money. He makes a deal with the husband of his son’s aunt to exchange the boy for money. They decided that the boy will just spend the summer with him and the rest of his life with his aunt.
Charlie wants Max to stay with Bailey, who after her father’s death owns the gym where he grew up, but Max insists in being with his dad.
Charlie had bought a once famous robot called Noisy Boy and in a fight it gets totally damaged, so he and Max go to a place where they could find robot parts to be able to build a new one.
There by chance Max finds a complete Generation 2 bot named Atom buried. He brings it back and in the gym Bailey lets them that it’s in good conditions. It is programmed to support a lot of They find out that it has a shadowing mode.
Max programs voice control for Atom. He teaches it to dance while Charlie teaches it box. Max was determined to make Atom a good fighting robot.
No one believes that Atom can win a fight but amazingly he does. Through words Atom becomes famous in the small leagues. It was innovative to see a small boy and a bot dancing and winning.
After some time they invite Charlie, Max and Atom for a fight against two cities in a preliminar fight of the world robot boxing league (mayor league).
Before the match, they are called to the Lamckova suite. There Farra, the owner of Zeus the most powerful robot on earth at that time, tells them her interest in buying Atom. Charlie wants to accept because of the amout of money they would receive but Max refuses.
The fight seemed to be to easy for Two Cities at first but then Charlie saw the weak point of his opponent and Atom seemed to work it out pretty well.
At the end of the fight Max challenges Farra for a fight against Zeus.
Summer was over and Charlie took Max back to his aunt’s house. Even though they had grown close Charlie decided that it was the best option for Max’s future.
He came to realize that he wanted to be part of his son’s life from that time on, so he went to apologize to him and tell him that their challenge had been accepted.
When the day had finally come, everyone was nervous, Zeus hadn’t ever been defeated. At the start everything seemed to go bad for Atom. It was being hurt awfully but it hanged on till the last round. The voice mode wasn’t working so they were practically lost. Max asked Charlie to box for Atom using the shadow mode. It was hard for Charlie to accept but he agreed.
Everything was going wonderful they almost won Zeus, the bell saved it. It was time then for the judges to decide the winner. Zeus “won” but the people had seen that extraordinary event and called Atom “the people’s champion”.
It’s a good movie. I really liked it and you should see it! I think it’s worth it.
Never give up, everything’s possible.. that’s clear!