Feliz Año Nuevo. I wish you ALL a very very Happy New Year. Hope you will enjoy it very much. In Mexico they eat twelve grapes and make twelve wishes, one for each grape at 12.00 o’clock. They believe that all their wishes will come true, if they do this. Last year I celebrated New Year in India.
Today I am going to tell you what I was doing last year about this time. Last year about this time I was in my country, India. We went there for Christmas vacations. We started our flight on 5th December. Before we were gone to India, we were shopping with our friend Sr. Francisco, his wife Sra. Hilda, their daughter Samira & their son Alan who took us to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon which is about an hour from our city, Saltillo. There we went to Monterrey’s town center. After doing all our shopping in Monterrey, as it was dark we stayed in the house of Mrs. Hilda’s parents. There we met her mother, father, sister & niece. The next day also we did little more shopping in the morning. And after some time we returned to my city. When we returned Saltillo we packed all our things. Our flight was from Monterrey. So we returned to Monterrey on 4th December with Sr. Francisco and his family. We again stayed for the night in the Sra. Hilda’s parents house and on the morning of 5th Dec., we left Mexico. In the morning we went to the airport and waited for our flight, when it came & it was time to go, we said good bye to Sr. Francisco and their family & went to our flight that was going to Chicago. After 3 hours we reached there. We waited there for 6 hours & then flew to Mumbai through London. After we waited for 8 hours, we took our next plane to my city, Coimbatore.
At Coimbatore airport we were received by my achi, thatha, lalitha achi, mani & senthil mama. I was very happy. When we reached our home, devi athai was waiting for us. Aparna, aparna´s thatha, achi & soori mama came home. Then I met samy thatha, shivu athai & ashwini. Later ganapathy mama, santhi athai, janani akka & varshini kutty also came from Kolkata. I played well with janani akka, aparna, ashwini and varshini kutty. We all went to Palani temple & kodaikanal. I enjoyed the trip. We all ate Annapoorna family roast (the big one!). I also saw PTR mama, ganeshkumar sir, madam, rameshsundar mama, raji aunty, shwetha akka, papitha aunty, chandrasekar mama , subhashree, her brother and her parents. Myself with amma, appa, achi & thatha celebrated New Year at devi athai´s house with soori mama, aparna, aparna´s achi & thatha. Then we celebrated Pongal earlier and left to Mexico on 13th January. Our friend Sr. Francisco and his family received us at Monterrey airport and took us back to Saltillo. I was happy about the trip, but was sad. I did not see sithapa, sithi and mishal thambi during this trip. I miss my achis, thathas, athais, mamas and cousins. I am eagerly waiting to go back to India and see all.